Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Reflection of Readings: Third Sunday of Easter

Jesus, appearing to His disciples:  "While they were still speaking about this,
he stood in their midst and said to them, "PEACE BE WITH YOU."

In today’s gospel, Jesus opened not just the minds but also the hearts of the two disciples as they were bound to understand the Scriptures. Having done this, Jesus did not just want his disciples to know, if not memorise, what is written but He wants them to put all these in their hearts and transcend it into a day-to-day practise in their lives. Thus, this is what witnessing is all about. Putting into practice what you have read, learnt, understood, and preached. In other words, walk the talk. “You are witnesses of these things". Jesus spoke these exact words to His disciples at the end of the gospel. However, did the challenge of becoming a witness end there? Apparently, this does not end to the disciples but continues to all of us to this very moment. We are called to be witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection every moment of our being. The question here however, is: How can we become a witness of Christ? – A valid question demands an intricate answer from all of us.
So, how can we be witnesses? Do we need to go out of the streets, bring with us a speaker and a microphone, and preach? Is it a pre-requisite that we memorise the Bible cover to cover to be a witness of Jesus?
My dear brothers and sisters, we do not need to go out of the streets just to preach. Why go out when we can start preaching within the comforts of our own homes? Let us be an example to our family. If you are a husband, then be a loving husband to your wife and a caring father to your children (cf. Ephesians 5:25 and Ephesians 6:4). If you are a wife, be submissive to your husband and be a mother to your children (cf. Ephesians 5:22-24). If you are a child, then be an obedient, respectful, and loving child to your parents (cf. Ephesians 6:1-3 and Colossians 3:20). With all these, we are unquestionably becoming true witnesses of the gospel. Let us start preaching from our families and later on to the communities where we belong. Let our examples exude and radiate the message that we want to convey.
Moving on, it is not a pre-requisite to memorise the Bible cover to cover. I know some people who do memorise the Bible cover to cover but sadly, their actions speak another thing. St. John calls these people “LIARS” and the truth is not with them (cf. 1 John 2:4-5). Yes, they do memorise and know the Bible from cover to cover but do not follow what is on it. Their actions are the exact opposite of what they have read and what they are saying. I know one televangelist who knows everything about the bible but guess what, he keeps on cursing in front of the television as he preach and he has a pending rape case of which he eluded as he ostracised himself to a far away land. Friends, what is the point of memorising the Bible word for word when you cannot apply it in your life. It is better to read bible on a daily basis without memorising it than to boast to the world that you know everything but fail to apply what you know.
Let us therefore be living witnesses of Jesus Christ in our actions, showing the love that Christ has for all of us. After all, at the end of this life, when Christ will seat on the judgment throne, He will not ask, “how many verses in the Bible have you memorised in your lifetime?” but He will ask: “Did you give me food when I was hungry? Did you give me a drink when I was thirsty? Did you clothe me when I was naked? Did you come and visit me when I was in prison? (cf. Matthew 25:34-36)” All of these are everyday practical questions that each of us must ponder upon; for to be a true witness of Jesus, we must indeed WALK THE TALK.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, teach us to continue this life’s journey with you and for you. Teach us to walk the talk so people will witness in us your love. Finally, teach us to love you more and more in everything that we do so that one day we may share with the you the Kingdom you spoke of to the repentant thief. Amen.

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